Neringa Sendriūtė


What "buys" recruiters during a job interview

Everyone enjoys being liked - we want our life partner to appreciate us, our friends to admire us, and our colleagues to respect us. Brr... but what if your professional success depends on making a good impression and being liked? We share tips for those who are currently looking for a job - it's time to find out what impresses recruiters during a job interview.


Highlighting relevant experience


Having experience is great, but having work experience directly related to the position you are applying for is even better. Instead of listing all your gathered experience, think about which positions or even specific projects you have implemented could give recruiters the belief that you are the most suitable candidate. Highlighting only relevant experience will also show recruiters that you know well what position you are applying for and what skills you will be required to use.


Specifying achieved results


If you name specific metrics of your past achievements you will give the impression that you really know what you are talking about and can generate exactly the same results for future employers. For example next to saying that you are a great sales manager, mention how many sales you made in X time, or if you are applying for a marketing position, don't forget to mention what lead acquisition cost you were able to achieve in your previous role.


Knowledge of the organization's activities and priorities


Before the job interview take the time to research the organization you would like to work for. In this way, during the job interview you will be able to demonstrate that you not only understand what the company does, but also have a good understanding of what the product segments and customers are, or which markets company wants to reach. If you also mention the specific achievements of the company that you admire, you will further reveal not only your understanding of the industry, but also show the motivation why you want to join this particular organization.


Professionalism and communication skills


Recruiters pay attention to candidates' professionalism and communication skills - professionalism says a lot, albeit indirectly, about you and your experience. It starts with quick and grammatically correct communication via email, and continues with appropriate looks, punctuality and a communication style that perfectly balances polite professionalism with genuine friendliness.


In terms of communication style, you should be able to adapt your communication to the recruiter. Perhaps you can tell a joke in one situation, but in another you should be much more reserved. The ability to "read the room" is a skill of an experienced professional.


Problem-solver attitude


When talking about completed projects or solving a hypothetical situation given by a recruiter, share your thought process. That is, show that you know how to solve problems (including non-standard ones) systematically: analyze the situation, collect information, consult with interested parties, test possible solutions, identify advantages and disadvantages, etc. In most cases, it is not only the results achieved or the correctly answered question that makes an impression, but the way you analyze the process.


P.S. if you are currently on the job search journey, visit idialogue's recommended employers page here - you will find great job offers!

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Neringa Sendriūtė

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